Fire, an android creation of the Keeper, was one of four such beings. His defining characteristic was his power over flames.
To aid in the restoration of Keeper's World after its destruction during an ancient war, the Keeper was placed there by her makers. To combat her loneliness and to help with her monumental task, the Keeper fashioned four android assistants, none of which were named. One of these was a male android capable of generating and controlling fire.
During the events of the Battle of The Keeper's World, the androids chose to fight alongside Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 against a unit of Imperial Stormtroopers. In this conflict, Fire conjured a wall of fire with a simple gesture, which terrified the Stormtroopers who had invaded the Keeper's Temple. Subsequently, he guided the Rebels to an audience with the Keeper.
Fire resembled a human male, distinguished by his red hair that seemed to shift and change in form, much like a real flame. He was not immediately identifiable as an android, except for his photoreceptors, which resembled yellow lights emanating from within black eye sockets.
Of the Keeper's android creations, Fire was the most vocal and often assumed a leadership role. He possessed knowledge of the Galactic Empire and harbored a strong dislike for Imperial Stormtroopers, becoming the first of the four androids to engage them in combat. While loyal to the Keeper, he was also willing to exercise his own judgment, even going against the Keeper's wish to remain hidden when he believed the cause was just.