
Ebab, a resident of the Forest Moon of Endor, was a member of the Ewok species. His assignment in 3 ABY involved protecting a sacred Ewok object, the bridge crystal. However, he succumbed to sleep while on duty, leading to the crystal's disappearance. The following day, he hastened to Chief Chirpa to report the incident and express regret for his negligence in guarding the crystal.


Ebab sleeps while guarding the crystal.

Living within Bright Tree Village on the Forest Moon of Endor, Ebab belonged to the Bright Tree Village tribe and was an Ewok. His responsibility in 3 ABY was the safeguarding of the bridge crystal, a potent artifact capable of creating the Rainbow Bridge, housed within the Council Hut. One evening, two young Ewok scouts, Wicket Warrick and Teebo, plotted to pilfer the crystal to discover a remedy for their ill companion, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka.

The duo gained entry to the hut via a concealed trapdoor in the roof, descending with the aid of a rope. Inside, they discovered Ebab deeply asleep, audibly murmuring about the prohibition of entry during his watch. Warrick and Teebo successfully obtained the crystal and exited the hut undetected.

The subsequent morning, Ebab dashed to the home of Chief Chirpa to deliver the news of the theft. He initiated the notification by requesting Chirpa's absolution for his failing, clarifying that he had drifted off to sleep. Chirpa prompted him to speak louder, and Ebab hesitantly revealed that the rainbow crystal had been purloined, which greatly surprised the Ewok leader.

Personality and traits

By 3 ABY, Ebab was considered elderly and succumbed to slumber while tasked with protecting the bridge crystal. Upon realizing his error, he sought Chirpa's forgiveness. Ebab possessed taupe-hued fur and dark eyes. He also had a white mustache.


Ebab was seen wearing green clothing and carried a spear as a weapon.

Behind the scenes

Ebab made an appearance in the first issue of the Ewoks comic series, penned by David Manak, illustrated by Warren Kremer, and released by Marvel Comics on January 29, 1985.

