Eida Sharden

title: Eida Sharden

Eida Sharden, hailing from the planet Exocron, was a Human female of considerable influence. Not only was she a prosperous businesswoman and entrepreneur, but she also operated as a secret agent for the Corsairs originating from the western canyons. She harbored deep resentment towards the authority of the Devisors.


Revolt against the Devisors

Born and brought up on the world of Exocron, Eida Sharden resided in a large property situated on the outskirts of the capital city, Caballa City. She held the ruling Devisors in utter contempt, convinced that they had manipulated the council and maintained their control over Exocron for an excessive duration. Joining the clandestine resistance against their dominion, she assembled a group of rebels comprising a diverse mix of Exocron's intellectual, political, and financial luminaries. At some point, Sharden started working as an agent for the Corsairs of the west, who were also against the Devisors. To mask her clandestine activities, she established herself as a successful business owner and entrepreneur.

She maintained a friendship with Horzao Darr, the captain of the Exocron Airfleet sky-dreadnaught named Maxion. Despite sharing some of her negative opinions regarding the Devisors, he was careful to limit his association with her, considering some of her ideas too extreme. Consequently, she never disclosed her affiliation with the western Corsairs to him.

Assistance to the FarStar

In the year 8 ABY, Horzao Darr reached out to Sharden. He had welcomed representatives from the New Republic ship FarStar to Exocron, but the Devisors then ordered that they be detained on the planet for "security reasons," and that their ship be seized for examination. Disgusted by the Devisors' treatment of the New Republic envoys, he used his position to free the majority of the crew, with the exception of Captain [Kaiya Adrimetrum](/article/kaiya_adrimetrum], the FarStar's commanding officer. He escorted them to Sharden's estate, believing her connections to the resistance could be beneficial.

Sharden informed the FarStar crew that she was willing to assist them in rescuing their captain and recovering their ship. She viewed it as an opportunity to deal a significant blow to the Devisors, destroy one of their secret weapons, and also to invade the Ministry of Technology. Capitalizing on the situation, she requested technical specifications for advanced hyperdrives and navigation computers in exchange for her assistance. Through her network of insurgents, Sharden possessed knowledge of the location of the tractor beam generator holding the FarStar captive, as well as the means to retrieve the crew's X-wing starfighters.

Following the successful liberation of Captain Adrimetrum and the raid on the Ministry of Technology, Sharden finally acquired sufficient evidence to expose the Devisors, revealing their knowledge and capability to construct powerful weapons such as blaster cannons and tractor beam generators. In return for her aid, Captain Adrimetrum supplied the necessary information on space travel to any Exocronian who desired it.

