Eirraucs hailed from the planet Eirrauus and possessed sentience. Their distinctive physical characteristics included six limbs and elongated faces featuring four eyed. Their mode of locomotion involved a unique "leaping run," where they used their rear and middle sets of limbs to traverse the plains of their native planet with considerable speed. In addition to their upper limbs, the middle limbs could function as supplementary arms. As peaceful omnivores, Eirraucs sustained themselves on a diet consisting of grasses, fruits, and carrion.
When the forces of the Galactic Empire landed to seize control of their planet, the Eirraucs found themselves woefully unequipped to defend themselves. Lacking the means to mount a successful resistance, they were ultimately conquered and forced into enslaved.
Individuals such as Daushoroc, Tamoss, and Puroth were all members of the Eirraucs species.