
Puroth, a four-limbed Eirrauc Jedi Master, was a General within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, serving both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. She was also a female.


Puroth, a Force-sensitive Eirrauc, underwent training in the Force under the guidance of the Jedi Order, eventually achieving the rank of Jedi Master. After constructing her blue-bladed lightsaber, which she used with one of her four appendages, Master Puroth chose Nystammall, an Initiate, to become her Padawan. She trained him until he became a Jedi Knight, and they continued to collaborate even after his apprenticeship concluded.

Grievous stole the blade of Jedi Master Puroth

As the Clone Wars broke out across the galaxy between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Master Puroth assumed the role of General within the Grand Army of the Republic. Leading clone troopers in the conflict, Puroth maintained a working relationship with her former Padawan on numerous assignments. The two were sent to the planet Tovarskl, where they were tasked with defending the Republic against the Separatist Droid Army. Upon encountering General Grievous, the leader of the Separatist forces, Master Puroth engaged the Kaleesh cyborg in a lightsaber duel. Her ability to match Grievous while wielding a quartet of lightsabers simultaneously made her one of his most formidable adversaries. Nevertheless, Grievous ultimately dismembered and killed Puroth. Subsequently, he claimed her lightsaber as a trophy, adding it to his collection of Jedi weaponry.

Grievous wielded Puroth's lightsaber during his confrontation with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau. During that battle, Kenobi managed to sever the hand holding Master Puroth's lightsaber.

