
Eliior served as the capital city for [Romin], a planet under the iron fist of a ruthless dictatorship. This capital was encircled by the Cloudflower Wall, fortified with guard droids and various security devices, such as surveillance droids, which effectively isolated Romin's working class from the heart of the city. The Teda Landing Platform, situated high above the city in the sky, functioned as the sole point of entry and exit for the region. At the heart of the city stood the opulent palace complex belonging to the dictator, known as "Great Leader Teda."

During the reign of this dictatorship, the affluent resided within Eliior's boundaries. Conversely, the dwellings of the working class spiraled outward from the city in ever-worsening conditions, their quality diminishing with each ring further from the center. Workers needed passes, and a valid work-related purpose, to gain entry into Eliior. The wealthy, enjoying lavish villas with sprawling gardens and shimmering fountains, seldom left the city's confines, and when they did, they were typically accompanied by a strong security detail.

In the year 24 BBY, the Jedi Order deployed a Jedi squad to Eliior. Their mission was to locate and apprehend Jenna Zan Arbor, a fugitive mad scientist from the Republic.

