Cloudflower Wall

Cloudflower Wall was an immense stone barrier that enclosed Eliior, the capital city of Romin. Before 23 BBY, Romin was under the control of a ruthless dictatorship.

Its designation is quite ironic, considering the planet's delightful cloudflower vine. This nearly impenetrable wall was the brainchild of the tyrannical ruler Roy Teda. Its purpose was to isolate the planet's affluent elite and its criminal-refugee population within the capital, keeping out the impoverished workers. Towering hundreds of meters high and patrolled by guard droids and security devices, including surveillance droids, the Cloudflower Wall transformed Romin's capital into a stronghold for the rich, effectively creating a division between the privileged and the desperately poor.

Beyond the wall, the workers' shacks were arranged in expanding circles, with conditions deteriorating further away from the city. Workers needed passes to enter the city through the Cloudflower Wall, and they had to demonstrate a valid work-related reason to gain access.

The wealthy, including "Great Leader Teda," who resided in opulent villas and estates within the city, surrounded by lush gardens and shimmering fountains, rarely ventured outside the Cloudflower Wall. When they did, they were heavily guarded to protect them from the intense resentment resulting from the extreme disparity between the social and economic classes. This resentment fueled organized resistance movements like the Citizens' Resistance, led by Joylin.

To mask the reality of the Cloudflower Wall, visitors to the city were given false information by the dictator's security officers, including Becka, who oversaw Teda's expansive palace complex.

In 24 BBY, for instance, the Jedi Order dispatched a Jedi team to Romin on a mission to locate and apprehend Jenna Zan Arbor, a fugitive scientist from the Republic who had gone mad. Becka greeted the new arrivals, who were posing as members of the Slams, a captured criminal gang, in order to gain entry to the world that harbored criminals.

During a brief tour of the capital, Becka praised the virtues of Eliior and Romin, presenting a picture of a blissful utopia enjoyed by all the planet's inhabitants, both inside and outside the capital. However, when Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi noticed the heavily fortified Cloudflower Wall and inquired about it, the security officer gave a well-rehearsed, sugar-coated explanation: it was built for citizens who "preferred" to live outside the city in the beautiful countryside, giving them "the illusion that they live in wilderness. It is planted with cloudflower vines on the opposite side. Another great step of progression by Great Leader Teda! Truly, he is remarkable."

Teda, in extending a personal welcome to his new criminal guests, became captivated by 'Valadon' (Jedi Master Siri Tachi), declaring that her beauty would enhance the beauty of his planet, telling her that she was "prettier than a cloudflower." Later, when Tachi and the other undercover Jedi attended the dictator's reception for his wealthy criminal refugees, they observed that, in contrast to the lies about the real Cloudflower Wall, its miniature replica (surrounding a small "world tableau" representing Eliior) was actually constructed from cloudflowers.

