
Becka, a Romin by birth, served as the chief security officer for the opulent palace of Roy Teda, the tyrannical dictator of Romin. This despot provided sanctuary to galactic criminals, receiving substantial bribes cleverly disguised as "charitable donations" funneled through his "charity" deputy. However, Becka lived a clandestine existence, operating as an undercover operative for Joylin, the leader of the Citizens' Resistance on the planet. This vast coalition of the world's downtrodden and oppressed sought to overthrow Teda's oppressive regime and establish a government founded on the principles of peace and justice.

In 24 BBY, the Jedi Order dispatched a team of Jedi to Romin on a mission: to locate and apprehend Jenna Zan Arbor, a fugitive mad scientist wanted by the Republic. Becka was the first individual to greet them upon their arrival at the Teda Landing Platform, which was situated high above the capital city of Eliior. Unbeknownst to Becka, the Jedi were also operating incognito, posing as the Slams, a captured criminal syndicate. This disguise was the only way to gain access to Teda's world, which harbored criminals.

After conducting ID verification procedures on the new arrivals and engaging in several comlink conversations in his official capacity, Becka informed them that "Great Leader Teda" himself wished to personally welcome the Slams to his grand palace, due to their status as important guests. Becka would escort them there after a brief tour of the city.

Riding in a lavish six-passenger airspeeder along a wide boulevard, Becka extolled the virtues of their esteemed city and its leader, presenting a picture of a utopian paradise for all inhabitants of the planet, both within and beyond the capital's boundaries. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi abruptly noticed a heavily fortified security wall rising hundreds of meters from the ground, patrolled by guard and surveillance droids. When Kenobi inquired about its purpose, Becka offered another sugarcoated explanation: it was the Cloudflower Wall for those citizens who "preferred" to reside outside the city.

The reality, as Kenobi was well aware, was that Eliior was inhabited by the planet's affluent elite. The oppressed working class, who were required to possess permits to enter the city, lived outside the city walls in progressively deteriorating conditions, with the squalor increasing with distance from the capital. During the tour of the commerce district, the upscale boutiques overflowing with luxurious goods were conspicuously devoid of patrons, with few visible inside or outside. Next came the opulent residences, visible only behind fortified walls. Constructed from stone and durasteel, these magnificent structures were adorned with verdant gardens and shimmering fountains. Their occupants ventured out only under heavy protection.

The boulevard culminated at Teda's expansive and lavishly landscaped palace complex, where the Slams were admitted through a security checkpoint. Becka left the new arrivals at the durasteel doors of the main entrance and bid them a polite farewell.

Becka encountered Kenobi once more immediately after the Slam imposter, who was also working undercover for Joylin, pilfered critical security codes from Teda's private office. These codes were essential to disable all of the city's security gates, enabling the citizens' revolt to commence that evening. As security alarms blared, Becka, who had materialized suddenly from a hidden doorway, guided the undercover Jedi through concealed panels and corridors until they emerged into the grand palace reception hall, where Teda was hosting a celebratory gathering for his wealthy criminal refugees. Becka signaled the musicians to continue playing as he reassured the guests, dismissing the security alerts as a "false alarm."

After reuniting with the rest of the Slam gang outside on the palace grounds, Becka advised them against any rash actions or obvious escape attempts. Instead, he suggested a more subtle and effective means of escape, allowing the revolt to begin in earnest. Becka recommended that they feign outrage at the disruption of their enjoyment of the evening's festivities and simply walk out of the main gates, leading the entire group of offended criminal-guests with them. They executed this plan with flair and success, enabling them to deliver the codes to Joylin and allowing the citizens' revolt to commence.

Becka, with the golden skin and eyes characteristic of his species, wore an elaborate uniform in his role as palace security officer, adorned with silver cords draped over his shoulders.

