Endor Gate

The Endor Gate was a black hole situated within the Moddell sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was connected to the adjacent Endor system and the planet Sanyassa via the Bakura Trace hyperspace route. This black hole, one of numerous spatial irregularities present in the region, possessed the capability to obliterate a starship or deviate its trajectory significantly beyond Endor, potentially into Wild Space or the Unknown Regions.

In the time of the Galactic Empire's reign, the University of Bar'leth sponsored a science mission with the purpose of examining the Endor Gate. Nevertheless, just hours after the group started their initial data collection, the Imperial Navy assaulted them, suggesting the Empire had secrets within the Endor system.


  • Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 18 (Guide to the Galaxy: Sectors of the Galaxy) (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 38 (Guide to the Galaxy: Sentient Species of Endor)
  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files
  • Starships and Speeders

Notes and references
