Energetic GNK

"Energetic GNK", designated as an EG-6 power droid, took part in a gonk droid beauty contest. This contest was organized by a Pageant Host and occurred on the planet of Pasaana during the Festival of the Ancestors in 35 ABY. This particular droid was known for being quite spirited and energetic, often seen bouncing up and down. Following the conclusion of the pageant, the GNK droid admitted to someone that the stress of the competition nearly caused [their] circuits to overload, suggesting a degree of anxiety.

Racing was one of their favorite activities, with little regard for the location or practicality of the race. While awaiting their turn on the runway, they inquired if there was sufficient time to race around the festival grounds. However, they quickly changed their proposition, suggesting a race around the entire planet or even across the galaxy.

Due to their infrequent need for charging, they became known for possessing seemingly endless battery life and a complete disregard for power conservation. The Pageant Host even commented on their energy usage, implying it was wasteful. To participate in the pageant, they had taken a short leave from their regular occupation: spending their days plugged into a power socket.

Behind the scenes

"Energetic GNK" is featured in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, a non-canon video game that debuted in 2022. They are a character in the side mission titled "Drop Dead Gonkgeous." Because the player must choose the pageant winner, it is possible for "Energetic GNK" to be selected as the victor.

