Equipment (short story)

"Equipment," a brief tale penned by Matthew Stover, first saw the light of day within the Star Wars: Short Story Collection during July of 2003. Subsequently, Equipment became available as a complimentary download on, and was later incorporated into the paperback version of Shatterpoint, authored by Matthew Stover and released by Del Rey in April of 2004, and the 2021 republication within The Essential Legends Collection. The unabridged audiobook includes a complete, word-for-word rendition of the story.

The narrative presents "a firsthand depiction of the sub-orbital combat on Haruun Kal, as told by Auxiliary Heavy-Weapons Specialist CT-6/774."

The story elucidates the clone troopers' guiding principle: "Take care of your equipment, and your equipment will take care of you." This principle is validated when, even after the destruction of their LAAT/i gunship, they leverage their remaining resources to persevere until the very end.

Story Synopsis

