The Clone Wars: No Prisoners

title: The Clone Wars: No Prisoners

The Clone Wars: No Prisoners is a companion novel connected to the animated TV series, The Clone Wars. This book was penned by Karen Traviss and hit shelves on May 19, 2009.

Official Synopsis

The Clone Wars continue their destructive path. While Separatist rebels struggle to seize galactic control from the Republic, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is secretly manipulating both factions to achieve his own dark ambitions.

Captain Rex of Torrent Company consents to temporarily take Ahsoka, Anakin Skywalker's ever-present and inquisitive Padawan, on a three-day training mission. This mission is aboard Captain Gilad Pellaeon's newly upgraded assault ship. However, the exercise turns into a real and perilous rescue operation when Republic undercover operative Hallena Devis vanishes during a Separatist invasion.

Sent to a remote planet to support a local dictator facing a rebellion, Hallena finds herself amidst angry freedom fighters and questioning the Republic's methods and intentions. Pellaeon, secretly in love with the missing operative, is summoned to rescue her. He is torn between his duty to protect the Republic and his personal desires. Ahsoka, accompanied by Rex and six inexperienced clone troopers to extract Hallena, discovers a different Jedi philosophy, challenging her core beliefs. As danger and intrigue escalate, the loyalties and beliefs of everyone involved will be tested.

Detailed Storyline

The majority of the narrative unfolds on the planet of JanFathal. Hallena Devis, a spy for the Republic, works undercover as a factory employee on this world, which is governed by a fascist government. This regime has allied itself with the Republic to oppose the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The citizens of JanFathal, however, prefer the Separatists, viewing them as more democratic compared to their own fascist rulers and the Republic. The planet experiences a total power outage, followed by a Separatist assault, leading to the Battle of JanFathal.

Captain Gilad Pellaeon is conducting a shakedown cruise on his new Republic battle cruiser. He is accompanied by Captain Rex of Torrent Company and Ahsoka Tano, the Padawan of Anakin Skywalker. They receive a distress call from Hallena Devis on JanFathal, requesting extraction. Joining Pellaeon's crew is the unconventional Jedi Master Djinn Altis of the Altisian Jedi. Altis's acceptance of romantic relationships and other behaviors deemed unacceptable by Master Yoda's Jedi Order creates internal conflict for Ahsoka, who has been taught that such paths lead to the dark side. Nevertheless, Ahsoka joins Torrent Company, Altis, and his two Jedi apprentices, Callista Masana and Geith Eris, who are romantically involved and engaged, on a mission to JanFathal to rescue Hallena, with whom Pellaeon is also in love.

Torrent Company, Ahsoka, Altis, Geith, and Callista locate Hallena inside a building amidst the chaos of the Battle of JanFathal. She is being held by factory workers she previously worked with. Her rescuers eliminate her captors, and they return to the shuttle that brought them from Pellaeon's battle cruiser, though Torrent Company loses one clone, Vere. However, while the shuttle is returning to the cruiser, the latter is forced to jump to hyperspace to avoid further damage. The shuttle carrying Hallena and her rescuers lacks sufficient oxygen to reach the nearest planet. Realizing they have no choice, they return to JanFathal under cover. The Confederacy of Independent Systems has seized control of the planet, the fascist regime has been destroyed, and the Republic is no longer an ally.

Back on Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker receives a call from Captain Rex on JanFathal, who explains their predicament on the captured planet. Anakin understands his duty to his clone company and his apprentice, and he departs for JanFathal, leaving behind his secret wife, Padmé Amidala. On JanFathal, he meets up with Torrent Company and Ahsoka, as well as Altis, Callista, Geith, and their liberal Jedi views. Anakin, like Ahsoka, struggles with his teachings under Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, realizing that if he had been trained by Altis, he could have openly loved Padmé. Despite their differences, they cooperate to evade Separatist forces, steal an enemy shuttle, and race back to space. As they do, Captain Pellaeon's flagship returns to the system and rescues them as they are pursued by Separatist starfighters. They escape the system with another clone casualty, Ince. Anakin speaks with Altis, who reveals his friendship with the late Qui-Gon Jinn, who also questioned the Jedi Order. It is implied that Altis is aware of Anakin's secret love. Altis invites Anakin to join his sect, but Anakin decides to stay with the mainstream Jedi Order and the clones, even if it means adhering to Yoda's rules and the Republic.

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