
Essith was a Human male General who served in the Imperial Army of the reconstituted Sith Empire throughout the Galactic War period. He strongly desired a particular role, which was initially given to Arkos Rakton; however, following Rakton's capture by Havoc Squad in the Battle of Corellia, Essith eventually managed to attain the position he felt he deserved. From that moment forward, he was driven to surpass his predecessor's achievements and establish himself as a champion of the Empire.

Behind the scenes

General Essith is sacrificed to Zildrog.

General Essith's appearance is exclusive to "The Nathema Conspiracy" flashpoint, and only occurs if the Commander plays as a Trooper who chose to side with the Galactic Republic during the events of the War on Iokath. In this scenario, Essith aims to destroy the Eternal Alliance and subsequently join the Order of Zildrog, which is under the leadership of Vinn Atrius. Ultimately, he is sacrificed as a power source by GEMINI 16 on Nathema in order to awaken Zildrog. If the player chooses to align with the Sith Empire, General Elin Garza will be the appearing character instead of Essith, while the other classes will encounter antagonists specific to their respective class storylines.

