Ewrosa Soci

Ewrosa Soci, a Twi'lek of the male persuasion, conducted his business from the Labor Outpost situated on Yavin 4 throughout the time of the Galactic Civil War.


Ewrosa was in the habit of trading Sith and Massassi relics to purchasers from beyond the planet, and he funneled the earnings from these transactions into the clandestine importation of spice for the benefit of the miners residing on Yavin 4. In the era of the Galactic Civil War, Osae Meilea sought to secure Ewrosa's allegiance through financial compensation. Her strategy involved employing an operative to systematically eliminate Soci's team of tomb raiders, followed by the dismantlement of the smuggling operation at his smuggler camp, thereby eradicating both of his revenue streams. Subsequently, this operative approached Soci to relay the unfolding events. Upon receiving this information, Soci, now a destitute and humbled figure lacking in credits, conceded to employment under Ewrosa.

