A Smuggler Camp situated on Yavin 4 functioned as a clandestine base for the Twi'lek smuggler known as Ewrosa Soci. This concealed landing zone served as a point of arrival for transport ships engaged in the illicit trade of spice to the jungle moon, which Soci then distributed to the local workforce. Around the landing area, various crates and containers were piled up on the ground. A collective of Jawas were assisting the smugglers in their activities.
During 1 ABY, a spacer dispatched by Osae Meilea launched an assault on the camp, resulting in the deaths of numerous smugglers under Soci's employ. The Jawas, however, remained unharmed during the conflict. Subsequently, the spacer seized Soci's spice shipment and presented it to Meilea as evidence of the operation's destruction.
The Smuggler Camp was featured as a location within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game's servers were taken offline on December 15, 2011. The Smuggler Camp was integrated into the game as part of the questline called "Catch A Fallen Star," which was introduced with "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005. Throughout this mission, players were required to attack the smugglers present at the camp to locate the spice shipment.
In addition to the smugglers who could be engaged in combat, a group of Jawas were also present at the camp, but they were immune to attacks.