The ancient Feast of Prosperity was a celebration that took place on the Nar Shaddaa moon. The Purlah Soup's beginnings can be traced back to the Feast of Prosperity, and Strono Tuggs, an Artiodac chef, incorporated a Purlah Soup recipe, along with details regarding the Feast of Prosperity, into The Ultimate Cookbook, his cookbook that was released in 35 ABY and published.
The recipe book Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, penned by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak, was the first time the Feast of Prosperity was brought up in 2023. The Feast of Prosperity was first presented within the Star Wars Legends storyline as a yearly event inside the game with update 6.1.4 of the Onslaught expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by BioWare in 2011.