Fenig Nabon

Fenig Nabon, or "Fen" as she was known to her associates, was a Human female smuggler and occasional swindler, with origins that likely traced back to Corellia. Her partner in crime was a Coruscanti woman by the name of Ghitsa Dogder, and together, they were the owners of a vessel called the Star Lady.


Fen was born on Corellia, and later taken in by the kind-hearted smuggler Jett Nabon, who discovered her as a pickpocket struggling to survive in the streets of Coronet. He adopted her and instructed her in the ways of smuggling. By the time she reached fifteen years of age, she had already visited Mos Eisley multiple times.

In 8 ABY, Nabon and Dogder joined forces with the Mistryls Shada D'ukal and Dunc T'racen for a mission: transporting a group of female Twi'lek dancers from the Clan Shak on Ryloth to Durga, a Hutt residing on Nal Hutta. During their journey, they encountered the Karazak Slavers Cooperative within the Naps Fral Cluster. It was during this period that Ghitsa playfully suggested that Fenig harbored a secret affection for Han Solo, a fellow Corellian and former smuggler, even joking about the presence of a Wookiee-sized bed aboard the Star Lady.

Fenig often questioned her choice of partner, but when Dogder was kidnapped around 12 ABY while they were on the planet Prishardia by Hutt agents seeking information about a rival Hutt's activities, Nabon managed to rescue her. She was aided by Kyp Durron, a Jedi in self-imposed exile who, following his devastating act of destroying the Carida system, went by the assumed name of Zeth Fost.

