Ghitsa Dogder, nicknamed "Ghits," was a Coruscanti Human female who operated as a smuggler and con artist. She partnered with Fenig "Fen" Nabon, and together they journeyed aboard their starship called the Star Lady. Known for her self-proclaimed excellent fashion sense, she sported short, spiky blonde hair and favored outfits accentuated with large shoulder pads.
For a number of years, Ghitsa served the Besadii kajidic as a Hutt counselor, brokering substantial deals worth millions of credits on behalf of the clan.
Tired of her position with the Hutts, and eager to avoid the deadly fate that befell most counselors, she masterminded an intricate plot in 8 ABY involving Mistryls Shada D'ukal and Dunc T'racen. This scheme allowed her to manipulate Durga the Hutt into dismissing her, all while securing a significant payoff. Though no longer officially affiliated with the Hutt Empire, she retained valuable inside knowledge of the organization.
In 12 ABY, while impersonating a Jedi Knight (a common ruse for Ghitsa) on Prishardia, she was abducted by representatives of the Desilijic family, who sought information regarding one of Durga's operations. She endured beatings and interrogation, but due to the years that had passed since her Hutt service, she possessed no knowledge of this recent endeavor. Her life was spared by a timely rescue from the kidnappers' Rook ship, orchestrated by Fen and the young Jedi Kyp Durron, who was operating under the alias Zeth Fost.
Ghits and Fen escorted Kyp back to the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Kyp had previously suggested that the Force guided him to Prishardia, implying that Ghitsa might possess Force sensitivity. Ghitsa, acting uncharacteristically shy, remained on their ship. However, she later destroyed her Jedi disguise, perhaps indicating a newfound respect for the Jedi Order. After leaving Yavin 4, Ghitsa revealed a datacard she had obtained from the Rook, containing information about Orko SkyMine, Durga's mysterious undertaking. Recognizing the datacard's potential importance and monetary value, Ghitsa opted to sell it to Talon Karrde, despite having earned his distrust and that of his information network. This transaction ultimately led to the discovery of the Darksaber project.