
Isotope-5 A container holding stabilized Isotope-5.

Isotope-5 represented one of the most scarce materials throughout the galaxy, its existence kept secret. It was first unearthed through deep-core extraction operations on Makeb, a planet that had been conquered by the Hutt Cartel in 3638 BBY. Upon discovery, it was identified as a radioactive variant of illerium. Its name derives from being the fifth identified isotopic form of an element typically located within neutron stars. Even in incredibly small amounts, isotope-5 possessed significant distorting effects on both gravitational and electromagnetic fields. Studies into the substance revealed it to be reasonably stable and, in theory, capable of being transformed into a state that could transmit vast quantities of energy via particle bombardment. Scientists proposed that a mere microgram of isotope-5 could potentially power a datapad for an entire century, highlighting its immense power. The unusual mesa formations and atmospheric disturbances on Makeb were attributed to isotope-5's gravity-warping characteristics.

Isotope-5 was a critical component in Toborro's scheme to elevate the Hutt Cartel to the status of a galactic superpower, rivaling both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During the conflict on Makeb, Hutt scientists devised various combat applications for the substance. This included the creation of war droids designed to attack Makeb's civilians and resistance fighters, powered by isotope-5 fuel rods. These rods enabled the droids to generate more resilient energy shields and unleash more potent blaster fire.

Weakened by setbacks during the Galactic War, the Sith Empire dispatched a small team, led by Darth Marr, to Makeb. Their mission was either to secure the substance for the Empire or to sabotage the Hutt Cartel's efforts to acquire it. Regrettably, the Hutts had used almost all of the isotope-5 in the development of their droids, making extraction impossible. To make matters worse, the Hutts' mining operations had destabilized Makeb's core, triggering groundquakes and threatening the planet's destruction, thereby thwarting the Empire's objectives. Nevertheless, an Imperial think tank managed to develop a method of using mining lasers to initiate controlled groundquakes, guiding the core toward a state of equilibrium.

