Droch-class boarding ship

The Droch-class boarding ship, a model of boarding craft manufactured by the Colicoid Creation Nest for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, was also known as the pod hunter or the Separatist boarding craft. Clone troopers of the Galactic Republic gave them the nickname "juicers".


Starboard profile with pincers closed.

The design of the Droch-class was inspired by the toothspike raptor native to Colla IV, according to its Colicoid creators.

The Droch-class featured a prominent array of four spikes encircling the cockpit. These spikes were designed to crush any object caught within them, a feature that earned the ships the moniker "juicers" from clone troopers of the Galactic Republic. These spikes also served to penetrate the hull of a ship, allowing for the deployment of a boarding party. Typically, it transported a complement of rocket battle droids. The pilot was positioned atop the vehicle, and a central compartment provided transport for several troops. Entry and exit for the troops was via this central passenger compartment. This boarding craft was equipped with a limited number of light laser cannons.

This adaptable troop transport had the capability to seize enemy starships with minimal damage, enabling their subsequent use in clandestine operations.


A Droch-class ship used to crush life pods after the Battle of Abregado.

During the Battle of Abregado, pod hunters were deployed to eliminate escape pods originating from Plo Koon's vessel, the Triumphant, crushing the pods and killing the occupants. In that battle, the pod hunter carried rocket battle droids. However, Jedi Master Plo Koon and several clone troopers destroyed the pod hunter and its droids. Pod 1977 was one of these escape pods.

Shortly thereafter, a BX-series droid commandos squad utilized a pod hunter to land on the Rishi moon, concealed by a meteor shower. They attacked the Republic listening post stationed there as a prelude to an invasion of Kamino. Later on, Asajj Ventress and a squad of B2 super battle droids employed three of these ships to board the Tranquility. Their objective was to free the captive Viceroy Nute Gunray, who was being transported aboard along with Luminara Unduli and Ahsoka Tano.

Later in the conflict, pod hunters were used to board Juma 9 in support of Kul Teska. Despite the delivery of droidekas, B1-Series battle droids, chameleon droids, B2 super battle droids and DSD1 dwarf spider droids, they failed to secure the station when reinforcements under Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Kit Fisto arrived to reinforce the station.

Furthermore, three pod hunters boarded the New Mandalorian vessel Coronet, deploying super battle droids in order to assist Tal Merrik in extracting the Duchess Satine Kryze from the ship. The clone troopers and the Mandalorian Royal Guard destroyed the droids, and Anakin Skywalker killed Merrik.

