XT Beetle Transport

The XT Beetle Transport was a transport vehicle utilized by both the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This vehicle, part of the Legends continuity, moved using ten sets of mechanical legs.


During the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, a year, two XT Beetles, displaying Separatist insignia, were joined together with massive cables. This formed a Separatist outpost on the planet of Orto Plutonia. However, the battle droid forces inside were destroyed by Talz warriors originating from a nearby village. The now-empty XT Beetles then served as a "neutral" area for negotiations. These negotiations were between the Pantorans, who lived on the primary moon of Pantora and considered Orto Plutonia their protectorate, viewing the native Talz as intruders, and the indigenous Talz, who simply wanted to be left in peace.

In 21 BBY, the Separatists came back to Orto Plutonia with multiple XT Beetles to re-establish their presence and eliminate the Talz responsible for attacking their initial base. Nevertheless, the Republic succeeded in crushing the shielded transports by collapsing an overhead ice bridge, which forced the Separatists to withdraw from the Pantora system.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of the XT Beetle transport.

The XT Beetle Transport made its first appearance, though unnamed at the time, in "Trespass," which was episode fifteen of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first season. This episode was originally broadcast on January 30, 2009. Its identification was later provided in the episode guide for "Trespass," found on StarWars.com. The XT Beetle's design was inspired by early concept art for the Multi-Troop Transport, created by Doug Chiang for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. This design resembled a locomotive styled to look like a revolver barrel.

XT Beetle Transports also appeared in "Defense of Orto Plutonia," the thirteenth and concluding level of the Starfighter mini-game within Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. This Star Wars Legends MMORPG was developed by Sony Online Entertainment, launched on September 15, 2010, and subsequently shut down on March 31, 2014.

