First Battle of Qotile

The initial engagement of the Stark Hyperspace War, known as the First Battle of Qotile, marked the conflict's beginning.

The Beginning

The planet Troiken was selected as the location for discussions between the Stark Commercial Combine, the Galactic Republic, and the Trade Federation. The topic? The Combine's confiscation of bacta shipments intended for struggling worlds, a response to an apparent shortage of the healing agent. However, Senator Ranulph Tarkin had secretly amassed a fleet with the express purpose of disrupting these very negotiations.

Upon their arrival on Troiken, the Republic and Jedi negotiators convened with Stark and his fellow Combine directors. Once the initial meeting was underway, Minister Nute Gunray of the Federation activated a homing signal from his mechno-chair, transmitting the meeting's precise coordinates to the Eriaduan fleet. Tarkin then commanded his ships to jump into hyperspace, with the intention of attacking the summit and eliminating both the Combine's leaders and the Republic's delegation.

Hardly had the Combine's representatives taken their seats when Jedi Master Tyvokka, who was the primary Jedi negotiator, proposed bypassing the customary formalities and addressing what Combine leader Iaco Stark considered the true solution. Stark concurred, and his forces drew their weapons on the Republic negotiators, using Gunray's perceived betrayal as a justification.

The Conflict

Stark then revealed his awareness of the Eriaduan fleet's presence, alongside the fact that he had secretly installed his Combine's navcomputer virus onto Gunray's signal, thereby disabling the navigation systems of Tarkin's vessels.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi protecting Nute Gunray

As a result, many of Tarkin's ships materialized from hyperspace in locations that led to their immediate destruction (such as too close to stars or within black holes). Others successfully arrived in realspace but were significantly off course. Only a small number of ships—including Tarkin's flagship, the Invincible—reached the Troiken system, where they were immediately met with heavy fire from the numerically superior Combine fleet.

Despite Republic negotiator Finis Valorum's protests that he was unaware of Tarkin's unauthorized plans, Stark refused to believe him, demanding the Republic team's surrender. Tyvokka, now certain that his earlier suspicions about Stark's deception were accurate, turned the tables on Stark's men, with the Jedi swiftly engaging in combat.

On the advice of Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, the panicked Gunray ordered his security droids to "kill them all." However, the droids began firing on both Stark's forces and the Jedi, fatally wounding Tyvokka and forcing the Jedi to eliminate the droids while Stark and his co-directors made their escape.


The Jedi and those under their protection promptly returned to their Consular space cruiser while they still had the chance (Gunray's transport had been destroyed just before their departure), and retreated to Mount Avos.

Troops of Tarkin's paramilitary forces are attacked on the surface of Troiken.

Tyvokka passed away during the journey, instructing Adi Gallia to safeguard Valorum to ensure a peaceful resolution, Plo Koon to rally Tarkin's troops to prevent the Senate from surrendering (and to accept a position on the Jedi High Council as Tyvokka had hoped), and Jinn to find a way to disable the computer virus. En route, Koon used his telepathic abilities to frighten away the Stark fighter pursuing them. Upon reaching Avos, their damaged Consular exploded.

In the skies above, less than a quarter of Tarkin's fleet remained operational. After the Invincible sustained critical damage and Tarkin received a message from Valorum informing him of their retreat location, Tarkin ordered his crews to abandon their ships and direct their escape pods towards Mount Avos.

Tarkin's remaining warships surrounded the troop transports as their crews evacuated, before being evacuated themselves. The Invincible was destroyed shortly after Tarkin and his staff had left, with the burning wreckage crashing near Avos, as the Jedi and soldiers began to regroup within the mountain's abandoned spice mines.

