The flame ibbot represented a subspecies within the broader ibbot lineage, inhabiting the Boiling Sea region of the Core Worlds planet known as Drall. These omnivorous birds, displaying colors such as copper, brass, or blue-black, possessed the unique ability to eject a scalding mixture of water and bile towards potential attackers.
Among the sixty-eight species of birds native to the Core Worlds planet Drall, the flame ibbot stood out as one of the most prevalent. Similar to other ibbots, the flame ibbot had evolved to occupy a particular ecological role on Drall. The majority of flame ibbots exhibited copper or [brass](/article/brass-legends] plumage, often accented with crimson, orange, or white markings. A smaller fraction of these birds displayed iridescent blue-black feathers, complemented by crimson or copper highlights, making them highly sought-after pets.
Their diet was omnivorous, setting them apart from most ibbot species that primarily consumed algae. While flame ibbots also consumed algae, particularly a type called kettleweed that they scraped from rocks along Drall's Boiling Sea, they supplemented their food intake with small fish and insects found in the sea. These medium-sized birds had a wingspan of roughly two and a half meters and stood over a meter tall, equipped with sharp talons and beaks.
The creature's name originated from its defensive strategy: flame ibbots could project a stream of bile and hot water, which accumulated in their stomachs during the digestion of kettleweed. This mixture, capable of being launched up to twenty meters, induced discomfort, disorientation, and temporary blindness in those affected.
Flame ibbots generally displayed a docile temperament and were adept fliers. In response to perceived threats, these birds would unleash a spray of hot water and bile. Although this defensive tactic was primarily used against predators, it could also be directed at tourists. Flame ibbots typically lived in communal herds.
The flame ibbot was initially referenced in the 2003 Star Wars Roleplaying Game supplement, Coruscant and the Core Worlds, published by Wizards of the Coast.
Coruscant and the Core Worlds indicates a wingspan of four meters for the flame ibbot, whereas Fantasy Flight Games's Suns of Fortune estimates it to be around two and a half meters. Given the more recent publication date of the latter source, this article assumes its measurement to be the more accurate one.