Located in Chaleydonia, the capital of the planet Christophsis found in the Outer Rim Territories, the forward aid station was positioned within a colonnaded entrance of a building. This structure was situated close to the Galactic Republic's defensive boundary during the Battle of Christophsis. This depot for medical assistance held numerous medical resources, alongside scattered crates that served as seating for wounded clone troopers while they underwent treatment.
During the Battle of Christophsis, the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic utilized the aid station in 22 BBY. Clone Sergeant Coric administered medical care to clone trooper Ged after Ged sustained injuries while defending the Republic's perimeter from a Separatist assault. Following the counterattack, Coric informed Clone Captain CT-7567, known as "Rex," that the supply of bacta at the station was dwindling, but that pain killers were plentiful. Furthermore, Rex took advantage of the station to find a moment of calm as he trimmed his hair.
The forward aid station made its initial appearance in the novelization of the 2008 movie Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Karen Traviss authored the novelization, and it was released in the same year.