The Freedom resistance movement represented an organization that stood against the New Republic on Bakura, and it was founded by Malinza Thanas.
Freedom's core mission centered around achieving an autonomous Bakura, completely devoid of external control. Specifically, Freedom voiced its disagreement with the New Republic's ongoing presence on Bakura, alleging exploitation of the debt owed by Bakura, with constant personnel being taken from the Bakuran Defense Fleet without proper compensation. Freedom received financial backing from various private donors, one of whom was Deputy Prime Minister Blaine Harris, who was secretly manipulating Freedom to advance his personal agenda.
Adhering strongly to the principles of the Cosmic Balance, Freedom's members believed in the concept of action and reaction. Consequently, they maintained a strict policy of non-violence. However, the Battle of Coruscant led many Freedom members to re-evaluate whether Bakura could risk severing ties with the New Republic.
After the Ssi-ruuk's attempt to re-invade, Freedom was integrated into the coalition government, which then partnered with the P'w'ecks.