Fun World Founder's Day

title: Fun World Founder's Day

On the Hologram Fun World, which combined an amusement park and a space station, there was a celebration known as Fun World Founder's Day. To honor this holiday, governmental institutions shortened their business hours. Leia Organa and Han Solo, both Humans, attempted to marry in 5 ABY while visiting Hologram Fun World. Lando Calrissian, who was hosting them, explained that birth certificates were required for the marriage to be official; however, Organa and Solo confessed they didn't have them. Calrissian offered to create copies at the station's Document Bureau, but because of the Fun World Founder's Day holiday, the bureau was not open, and the printing was postponed to the next day.

Behind the scenes

Paul Davids and Hollace Davids mentioned Fun World Founder's Day in their 1993 young-adult book, Queen of the Empire.

