Gaib & TK-0 Inc. was a privately-owned technological bounty hunting firm. It was run by the slicer Gaib and his droid companion, TK-0. This duo specialized in securing hard-to-find information and technology for their clientele. Throughout the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars and beyond, Gaib & TK-0 Inc. operated, with various employers utilizing the company's diverse services. Among the many clients of this bounty hunting pair were the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, members of the Mandalorian Skirata clan, and even the Imperial Army after the rise of the Galactic Empire.
The bounty hunter organization known as Gaib & TK-0 Inc. consisted of only two members: Gaib, a male Human slicer, and TK-0, a droid that resembled a taller and more armored version of a standard R2-series astromech droid. The company, regarded as "tech-hunters," concentrated on obtaining technology and information for their patrons, with a focus on tracking down more elusive data and difficult-to-obtain equipment. TK-0 was relied upon for his computing capabilities, data analysis, and skill in accessing local networks. Gaib, meanwhile, oversaw overall logistics, performed necessary maintenance on TK-0, and guided the droid's searches.
In 22 BBY, after the young Huttlet Rotta was kidnapped from his home on Tatooine, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Rotta's father and head of a criminal empire, enlisted the services of Gaib & TK-0 Inc. To find the missing Huttlet, Gaib and TK-0 used air traffic control records, comlink relay logs, and access to medical databases to discover that the pilot of a ship that had departed Tatooine around the time of the abduction had accessed the Galactic All-Species Self-Help Database, seeking information about Hutt healthcare and diseases. This same ship later landed on the planet Teth, situated in Wild Space. The two contractors presented their findings to Jabba's estate on Tatooine, which prompted the Hutt crime lord to send a team of bounty hunters to Teth. Gaib and TK-0 were subsequently paid for their work, but Jabba also offered them a significant retainer fee to ensure their availability whenever he needed them, warning that refusal would result in death. The duo accepted, and although the mercenaries sent by Jabba failed to retrieve Rotta from Teth, the Huttlet was ultimately rescued and returned to his father by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

One year later, in 21 BBY, Gaib & TK-0 Inc. was hired by N-7 and N-11, also known as "Mereel" and "Ordo" respectively. These Null-class Advanced Recon Commandos were acting on behalf of Kal Skirata, the clones' adoptive father. Mereel initially contacted the bounty hunting team to obtain hardware upgrades for Skirata's recently acquired submersible, the Aay'han. He then tasked the company with tracking shipments of laboratory equipment that were being illegally transported to get around the Republic Senate's ban on commercial cloning. This was part of Skirata's effort to locate the rogue Kaminoan scientist Ko Sai. The information and leads gathered by Gaib & TK-0 Inc. led Mereel and Skirata to Dorumaa, a moon of Almas in the Cularin system, where they located and captured Ko Sai. The two tech-hunters were then paid one hundred thousand credits for their equipment and information services.
In 19 BBY, during the weeks that followed the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, Gaib & TK-0 Inc. once again found themselves working for Kal Skirata and his clan. During the events of the night Order 66 was issued by then-Chancellor Palpatine, the clone troopers and commandos associated with Clan Skirata attempted to desert the Grand Army of the Republic for Mandalore. However, unfortunate circumstances forced them to leave the commandos Darman and Niner behind on Coruscant. To repay a favor owed to Mereel, Gaib secured a service work contract with the new Imperial Army. This allowed him to spy on the Imperial Commando Special Unit of the 501st Legion and determine the status of both commandos. For an additional fee, TK-0 infiltrated the 501st Legion headquarters and modified the helmets of Darman and Niner. This enabled secure communication between the two Imperial commandos and Clan Skirata's base of operations on Mandalore.
When Clan Skirata decided to extract Niner and Darman, Gaib & TK-0 Inc. was contracted to acquire four sets of Imperial stormtrooper armor so that the clan's clone members could infiltrate the 501st. Gaib and TK-0 delivered a total of ten sets of stormtrooper armor to the clan, anticipating that their employers might need them in the future. Having secured an Imperial contract for servicing suit systems, the two tech-hunters found themselves able to mark suits of armor they considered defective for return to the manufacturer. However, the vast scale of Imperial Army operations resulted in a lack of oversight, allowing the bounty hunting duo to simply keep the suits they marked as defective for later resale. Clan Skirata's plans to rescue their comrades ultimately failed, but Gaib & TK-0 Inc. was generously compensated with a large stack of credit chips. TK-0 also mentioned that they were billing the Empire two hundred credits for each servodriver required for their armor servicing contract.
Gaib and TK-0 were initially introduced to the Star Wars universe in the 2007 novel Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss, the third installment in the Republic and Imperial Commando series. They later had a brief role in Traviss' novelization of the 2008 film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but it wasn't until the release of Imperial Commando: 501st that their tech-hunter company was officially named "Gaib & TK-0 Inc." in the epigraph of the third chapter.