Galactic Empire (The Star Wars)

The Galactic Empire, also referred to as the Empire, was a governmental body spanning a minimum of 100 millennia. The Jedi-Bendu served as protectors to its head of state, the Emperor, until the period known as the Great Rebellion.


For a period of at least 100,000 years, the Jedi-Bendu had been the protectors of the Galactic Empire and its leader. However, the Knights of Sith, a rival organization to the Jedi-Bendu, seized control, forcing the Jedi-Bendu survivors into hiding. This situation escalated into the Empire's pursuit of the Jedi-Bendu, including their attempted invasion of the planet Aquilae in the Aquilaean System. Governors held other governmental roles within the Empire.


The Emperor, the supreme leader of the Galactic Empire, functioned as both the head of state and the commander-in-chief of its armed forces. The Jedi-Bendu also served as protectors of the Empire for at least 100,000 years, before the Knights of Sith took over.


The Imperial Space Force represented one of the Galactic Empire's most formidable military branches, which was once considered unstoppable under the command of the Jedi-Bendu. The Knights of Sith eventually usurped control. Stardestroyers, hovertanks, and the Space Fortress were among the military vehicles utilized by the Empire.

First Lord of the Aquilaean System and Surrounding Territories was one of the ranks within the Galactic Empire.


Largely due to the efforts of the Jedi-Bendu and the Imperial Space Force, the Galactic Empire's borders encompassed the galaxy's celestial equator and the outer edges of the Great Rift by the time of the present. The Aquilaean System was the only system that remained outside of direct Imperial control after this point.

Behind the scenes

The Galactic Empire as described here made its initial appearance in the 1974 early version of Star Wars. In this initial concept, there was no preceding Galactic Republic, and the Jedi (referred to as Jedi-Bendu) acted as the Emperor's personal guard. The then-ruler was named Cos Dashit, implied to be a puppet leader installed after the Jedi-Bendu were removed from power, with Darth Vader and Crispin Hoedaack plotting to seize control from him throughout the story. The final version of the Galactic Empire was given a largely different history, although its predecessor, the Galactic Republic, shared certain similarities, such as the Jedi Knights acting as guardians of the entire Republic.

A comic book adaptation of George Lucas' original draft, entitled The Star Wars, was published by Dark Horse Comics from 2013 to 2014.

