Galey was a support staff member of the New Republic Defense Fleet, identified as a male Human.
Galey possessed a powerfully built physique, yet his short legs resulted in an average height. He typically displayed a puzzled look and had shaggy red hair. In 8 ABY, he was part of the cafeteria staff aboard the Mon Remonda. His responsibilities encompassed programming menus and supplying refreshments for gatherings of officers. Although he considered his role significant, he was dissatisfied with his compensation.
While on leave at Coruscant, agents working for Warlord Zsinj propositioned Galey with a considerable sum of money. The deal was for him to assassinate multiple New Republic officers, aided by several sleeper agents programmed under Project Funeral. Galey accepted the offer and began training on shuttle simulators to ensure his escape after completing the mission.
Shortly before the Battle of Jussafet Four, Galey activated Tal'dira, a Twi'lek member of Rogue Squadron, and Nuro Tualin, a Twi'lek belonging to Polearm Squadron. Subsequently, he initiated his attempt to assassinate Edda Gast. Galey eliminated the two officers guarding Gast, then assaulted Nawara Ven, the officer engaged in negotiations with Gast, by throwing hot caf in his face and landing a punch on his jaw. Galey discharged his blaster at Doctor Gast, and then attempted to flee.
Ven gave chase to Galey, hitting his ankle with a quick shot. Galey turned to return fire, which compelled Ven to fatally shoot him in self-defense.