Galon Lor

Galon Lor was a male Human apprentice studying at the Sith Academy situated on Korriban during the period of the Jedi Civil War. He was engaged in the translation of Korriban's tombs' ruins during his time away from the academy. Upon Revan's arrival to gain entry into the Tomb of Ajunta Pall, Galon Lor extended a courteous greeting, introducing himself to the previous Dark Lord and detailing the origins of the Sith. As an archaeologist, Galon displayed considerable enthusiasm for uncovering the history and specifically, the existence of Ajunta Pall. Nevertheless, his apprehension about the tomb's active traps and mechanisms prevented him from entering. After Revan emerged from the tomb carrying the Sword of Ajunta Pall, Lor inquired about the sword's origin. Upon discovering that Revan had encountered Ajunta Pall as a spirit, Lor became greatly intrigued and departed to relay the account to Master Uthar. It's plausible that Galon proceeded with his studies and translations of other tombs of interest, while simultaneously the Sith Academy uncovered Revan's betrayal concerning the death of Uthar Wynn.

Behind the scenes

Gaining dark side points can be achieved by potentially eliminating Galon Lor after the Sith Academy becomes aware of the player's betrayal.

