The Garbis family functioned as both a bloodline and a criminal syndicate. The Garbis family, in 3 BBY, was based out of Thune City, which served as the capital of the Wild Space planet known as Thune, and they were headed by Lord Donith Garbis. Their modus operandi involved seizing any unclaimed goods discovered on the planet, always marking their deeds with their emblem. On one occasion, Tomith Garbis, the son of Lord Donith, engaged in combat with Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios over shipments containing weaponry and ship components; however, he was unable to stop their escape with the stolen merchandise. These incidents ignited a bitter feud between the Garbis family and the rebel Spectre cell, the group to which Wren and Orrelios were affiliated.