Garrison Moon

The satellite of Kessel, known as the Garrison Moon, was colloquially named the Sky Bogey by the Kessel miners. The Death Star prototype obliterated it in 11 ABY, yet a substantial fragment remained in orbit around Kessel as late as 43 ABY.


Apparently, the moon's interior had been excavated to accommodate both the Kessel Correctional Facility and a military garrison. The surface only displayed a large docking bay alongside a communications tower. The initial four levels of the complex were dedicated to slave pens and processing centers, while the command center occupied the lower, fifth level.


Imperial period

During the era of the Galactic Empire, the Garrison Moon was selected as the location for an Imperial garrison post. Typically, prisoners slated for the Spice Mines of Kessel were initially brought to the correctional facility on the Garrison Moon. Here, they underwent a decontamination procedure before being transported to Kessel itself via a cargo shuttle. Some prisoners were then sent back to the moon to perform basic labor for the administrative personnel.

Following the Empire's collapse, Kessel and its moon fell under the control of the Rybet Moruth Doole, who stationed his fleet within the correctional facility's expansive docking bay.

Moruth Doole's rule

Kessel and the Garrison Moon

In the wake of the Battle of Endor seven years later, the New Republic sought to establish an alliance with Kessel, dispatching Han Solo and Chewbacca to negotiate with Doole. As they approached Kessel aboard the Millennium Falcon, a swarm of ships emerged from the moon, attacking Solo and Chewbacca and forcing them to crash-land on Kessel.

Subsequently, Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian journeyed to Kessel to investigate the Falcon's disappearance. They masqueraded as entrepreneurs interested in investing in the spice mines and met with Doole at the Kessel prison, who then provided them with a tour of his operations. When Skywalker inquired about the planet's defenses, Doole arranged for a shuttle to transport them to the Garrison Moon. Upon landing in the moon's hangar, Skywalker and Calrissian began examining the docked vessels, ultimately identifying the Millennium Falcon, which Doole had seized and incorporated into his fleet.

After boarding the ship and confirming its identity, the pair seized Doole and demanded information regarding Solo and Chewbacca's whereabouts. Doole produced a concealed blaster pistol, but Skywalker swiftly responded, employing the Force to push him away as he fired, causing the energy bolt to deflect wildly. Doole retreated and activated the alarm, prompting Skywalker and Calrissian to commandeer the Falcon and flee the hangar, pursued by Doole's fleet. Shortly thereafter, enraged by the deception, Doole entered the moon's control room and commanded his fleet's pilots to eliminate Skywalker and Calrissian. However, the pair successfully escaped when the stolen Sun Crusher arrived, followed by Admiral Daala's fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers.


The Garrison Moon is destroyed by the prototype Death Star.

Eventually, Mara Jade and the Smugglers' Alliance succeeded in wresting control of the moon and planet from Doole, who had entrenched himself within the prison and was subsequently killed by one of Kessel's Energy spiders. Similar to Doole, Jade also positioned her fleet within the moon's hangar. Calrissian, genuinely seeking investment this time, purchased the spice mines and Garrison Moon from Jade. While inspecting his newly acquired assets, the Death Star prototype, under the command of the Twi'lek Tol Sivron, emerged from the nearby Maw Cluster, having recently escaped a raid by the New Republic on the Maw Installation.

Sivron and his scientists, present aboard the prototype, made the decision to test the superlaser's destructive power on Kessel. However, when the superlaser was discharged, its targeting system was so severely misaligned that the Death Star missed Kessel entirely and struck the moon, resulting in its annihilation. Casualties were limited, however, as the majority of the Smuggler Alliance fleet had evacuated as soon as the Death Star prototype appeared, with only two ships caught in the blast and another struck by debris from the moon.


Following its fragmentation, numerous pieces of the moon were drawn towards Kessel by its gravitational pull and incinerated in the atmosphere. However, at least one fragment remained in orbit, large enough to be visible from Kessel's surface. In 43 ABY, it served as the designated evacuation point for Kessel's workers and inhabitants while Lando Calrissian and his allies endeavored to save Kessel from impending destruction.

