GE3-series protocol droid

The GE3-series protocol droid was a protocol droid of bipedal design, brought into existence by the Czerka Corporation. Bearing a superficial resemblance to later constructions by Cybot Galactica, the GE3 was among the most prevalent and commercially successful droids throughout the galaxy during both the times of the Jedi Civil War and the Dark Wars.


Their programming allowed them to fulfill numerous roles, such as acting as a waiter, bartender, tour guide, receptionist, secretary, errand-runner, diplomatic aide, medical droid, or even a swoop pilot. Their software was designed with social interactions in mind, with a special emphasis on Human-cyborg relationships and a vast collection of knowledge concerning the languages, cultures, and traditions of countless species. They came equipped with vocabulators that contained adaptable translation modules.

The demand for these droids was significant, and they were commonly observed on virtually every planet within the Galactic Republic. Czerka also provided GE3-series droids in large quantities to planetary governments at a considerable discount. The Jedi Exile, while exploring the sublevel of the Jedi Enclave, discovered a message regarding a series of Czerka-manufactured droids, left by the Enclave's head technician, Dergar Chester.

While their external appearance was the same, numerous models existed with differences in their internal components and skill sets. Each GE3 possessed a complete designation that always ended with the suffix "GE3," as demonstrated by S-0D3-GE3.

Notable units

Behind the scenes

In the canon short comic "Off the Rails," the featured croupier droid bears a striking similarity to the GE3-series protocol droid.

