Gee Long

Gee Long, hailing from the Umboo province of Roon, was a male alien. Auren Yomm, a champion in the Roon Colonial Games, counted Gee as a friend. Long was also a competitor and rode alongside a droid called BIX, with Yomm leading the way. One year during the games, Long suffered poisoning, and Bix was sabotaged by the competition. Fortunately, Auren's acquaintances, Mungo Baobab, a trader, and C-3PO, stepped in to help. They achieved victory.

Behind the scenes

Gee Long exhibited humanoid or Near-Human characteristics, notably his pointed ears. Leland Chee, writing on the Star Wars Message Boards, put forth the idea that "all pointy-eared species are either Sephi or closely related to Sephi."

