
Gegorran, a purveyor of weaponry, was a Human who established his business within the Merchant Quarter of Onderon's sole urban center, Iziz, in the time leading up to the Onderon Civil War.


He was most commonly known as Geg. Due to rising anxieties concerning Republic insurgents and terrorists acting in opposition to General Vaklu, which led to increased regulations ostensibly designed to "maintain order" but were actually thinly veiled attempts to accelerate Vaklu's planned coup against Queen Talia, he was restricted to selling his goods only to individuals possessing starport visas. Gegorran had a strong desire to depart from the planet before any conflict erupted, but his lack of a starport visa made it impossible for him to leave Iziz. Gegorran's unease regarding the situation in Iziz was evident, and he adopted an excessively affable and enthusiastic demeanor to mask it. He repeatedly revealed that he was neither as genuinely content nor as devoted to Vaklu as he professed, prompting the Vaklu-loyal soldier stationed at his shop to caution him: "Be careful, Geg. The captain has already received numerous complaints about you."

The merchant also mentioned that, in addition to being unable to sell to those without a starport visa, he was compelled to sell to soldiers (always those loyal to Vaklu) at such heavily discounted prices that he was practically being robbed of his merchandise. He suggested that he had been coerced into doing so, but quickly retracted the statement when the nearby soldier inquired about his remarks.

Behind the scenes

  • In the opening sequence of Knights of the Old Republic II, if the player selects a male Jedi Exile, Gegorran's image appears among the list of available portraits.
  • Following a confrontation with Vaklu's forces, he refuses any conversation with the player, stating: "I have, ah, observed your recent incident. I regret to say that I have nothing further to add. I wish you well on your journey!"

