By the year 3951 BBY, Gelesi, an officer serving in the Onderonian military, was married to a woman. They resided on the planet of Onderon and jointly raised their four-year-old daughter. Following the murder of his predecessor, Gelesi's appointment as Captain of the Guard led him to develop a deep-seated paranoia about suffering a similar fate. This fear for his own life, as well as the lives of his family, intensified his anxiety, prompting him to contemplate a clandestine evacuation of his family from Onderon, a plan he ultimately abandoned.
In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, developed by Obsidian Entertainment, Gelesi references his wife. This occurs if the player's character, the Jedi Exile, chooses to back General Vaklu's endeavors to seize the throne as king of Onderon, rather than defending the reigning regent, Queen Talia, during the Exile's initial visit to Onderon within the game. Should the Exile support Vaklu, they can then successfully persuade Gelesi to depart from the planet. Conversely, if the Exile sides with Talia, Gelesi expresses his worries about his family, a vulnerability that can be exploited to convince him to leave Onderon. While there is no official canonical designation for this choice, this article presumes that the Exile supported the queen during her initial visit, and that Gelesi remained on Onderon, based on The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia's assertion that the Exile aided Talia during a second visit.