Gilad Halsek served as the Consul-General representing the Imperial government on the planet Kothlis.
Prior to his posting on Kothlis, Gilad held a relatively insignificant position within the bureaucracy of Coruscant. While stationed on Kothlis, he sometimes chose to ignore the activities of the Bothans to avoid being killed by the local population.
Dissatisfied with the insufficient support from Imperial forces, Gilad engaged the services of a mercenary group called Beldonna's League to strengthen the planet's defenses. He funded their operations by drawing from the Bothan treasury and supplied them with housing and logistical assistance. Furthermore, he developed romantic feelings for Liiria Beldonna, the leader of the mercenaries.
Around the year 0 ABY, Cecil Noone contacted him while trying to sell a stolen Hapan Gun of Command. However, Halsek betrayed the thief, resulting in Noone and his team narrowly escaping the planet, pursued by two dozen stormtroopers and a large contingent of the planet's local security forces.