Cecil Noone

Cecil Noone was a Human male thief. He was born to two members of the Freedom's Sons.


When he was 13, he absconded with a vessel that had been decommissioned, heading for Byblos with the intention of selling it. However, pirates robbed him instead. Left with absolutely nothing, Noone began a life of crime himself, working as a con man and a thief.

Later, Noone commanded a group of criminals during the Galactic Civil War from his personal starship, the Borogove. His crew included Kels Turkhorn, a Sluissi cyborg slicer known as Hass Sonax, and a Tynnan demolition specialist named Dawson. Together, they betrayed their Hutt employer by stealing a Hapan Gun of Command (which was actually an early rifle version of one), hoping to sell it for a substantial number of credits. Vop the Usurer had planned to purchase the weapon, but he was killed in the subsequent shootout aboard the Song of the Clouds. The Borogove was destroyed during this escapade, which forced Noone and his team to escape in a luxurious yacht called the Asaari Wind. They stole it from the Bimm crimelord Ritinki, who had also been trying to acquire the Hapan gun. Noone murdered him, leading each of Ritinki's heirs to place bounties on Noone's head. These bounties were in addition to the one later placed on Noone by his former Hutt employer.

To the dismay of Noone and his associates, there were very few offers for the gun. The best offer came from an Alliance agent, but it was only for one-tenth of their asking price of 1.5 million credits. After almost being killed on Kothlis after a meeting with Imperial Governor Gilad Halsek, Noone presented the weapon to the famous hunter Tyro Viveca on Kabal. Viveca, however, had no intention of paying the price Noone was asking. Instead, he made a counteroffer: in exchange for the weapon, Noone would be permitted to attempt to escape through Viveca's hunting grounds, with Viveca hunting him using the very weapon Noone had been trying to sell. Noone sustained injuries and was caught in several of Viveca's traps during the pursuit. However, Noone was unexpectedly rescued from a gravity trap by his comrades when they realized the deal had likely gone wrong. They left a bomb in Noone's place, which obliterated Tyro Viveca when he stumbled upon it.

