Hass Sonax

Hass Sonax was a Sluissi slicer who worked for Cecil Noone circa 0 BBY. Being a cyborg, she utilized a BioTech Industries Borg Construct Aj^6 cyborg headband for her slicing activities. Her own history fueled a deep hatred for the Imperials.


Born to dockworker parents, Sonax had five sisters. She and her siblings toiled in twelve-hour shifts at the Sluis Van Shipyards. When a chance emerged for two temporary maintenance roles on an Imperial Star Destroyer, Hass and her sister Resh volunteered. Nevertheless, their treatment was severely negative. Following a fusion coil malfunction that resulted in a thirty-six-hour delay, the warship's captain visited the tech room and executed Resh as a form of retribution. This event prompted Hass to desert the vessel upon its arrival in the Roon system.

Personality and traits

Due to the combined effects of her sister's tragic demise and the cyborg augmentation she had undergone, Sonax exhibited an introverted and easily angered personality.


While in the employ of an accountant on Kelrodo-Ai, Sonax acquired a BioTech Industries Borg Construct Aj^6 cyborg headband.

