Hass Sonax was a Sluissi slicer who worked for Cecil Noone circa 0 BBY. Being a cyborg, she utilized a BioTech Industries Borg Construct Aj^6 cyborg headband for her slicing activities. Her own history fueled a deep hatred for the Imperials.
Born to dockworker parents, Sonax had five sisters. She and her siblings toiled in twelve-hour shifts at the Sluis Van Shipyards. When a chance emerged for two temporary maintenance roles on an Imperial Star Destroyer, Hass and her sister Resh volunteered. Nevertheless, their treatment was severely negative. Following a fusion coil malfunction that resulted in a thirty-six-hour delay, the warship's captain visited the tech room and executed Resh as a form of retribution. This event prompted Hass to desert the vessel upon its arrival in the Roon system.
While in the employ of an accountant on Kelrodo-Ai, Sonax acquired a BioTech Industries Borg Construct Aj^6 cyborg headband.