Globe of Peace

The Globe of Peace, a memento of the Naboo people, represented the extended period of tranquility experienced on the planet of Naboo. Following a parade held in Theed commemorating the triumph over the Trade Federation during the Battle of Naboo, Queen Padmé Amidala presented the Globe of Peace to Boss Rugor Nass, thereby solidifying the agreement established between the Gungans and the Naboo.

Behind the scenes

Within the non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, released in 2022, the game depicts Nass raising the globe in Theed, mirroring the film scene. However, Jar Jar Binks, another Gungan, then inadvertently collides with him while precariously balanced on a booma, causing the globe to fall from his grasp. After Binks departs with the globe, Nass substitutes it with a frog taken from Captain Roos Tarpals, holding the amphibian up in the globe's stead.

