Gonkatine, a GNK-series power droid of a red hue, made his home on the planet of Exegol, situated within the mysterious Unknown Regions. He harbored aspirations of joining the esteemed Knights of Ren, but his application was ultimately rejected. Following this setback, Gonkatine resolved to establish his own cadre of "mischief-makers," known as the Knights of Gonk. This group included Gigagonk, Invisigonk, and Mad Dog Gonkdo. The Knights of Gonk initially plotted to obliterate all traces of the Battle of Exegol at the Sith Citadel. However, upon further reflection, they concluded that their intended act was not malicious but rather benevolent.
Subsequent to the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, Gonkatine, a GNK-series power droid, took up residence in a cave located on the Sith planet of Exegol within the Unknown Regions. After facing rejection from the Knights of Ren, Gonkatine was inspired to create his own organization: the Knights of Gonk. This group was envisioned to consist of the most mischievous gonk power droids throughout the galaxy.
Gonkatine dispatched a subordinate to gather three gonks to his location. The minion successfully recruited Gigagonk, Invisigonk, and Mad Dog Gonkdo from the respective planets of Tatooine, Cantonica, and Jakku. As the minion escorted the trio to Exegol, Gonkatine diligently prepared a speech expressing his anticipated disappointment in the event of the minion's failure. However, upon the minion's successful return with the Gonks, Gonkatine lamented his inability to deliver the speech and proceeded to outline the Knights' inaugural mission: the cleanup of the Sith Citadel on Exegol. To their surprise, they soon realized that their action was not malevolent, which caused confusion for Gonkatine, nearly causing a system failure.
Gonkatine possessed a pessimistic outlook, being a red GNK power droid. He fully expected his minion to fail in their assigned task, leading to his quick disappointment at the missed opportunity to deliver his prepared speech, which compounded his disappointment. While Gonkatine initially intended for his organization to be "evil," his plans soon revealed its true nature as an organization of "good." This realization perplexed Gonkatine, almost leading to a system meltdown.
Gonkatine made an appearance in the 2022 video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, a product of development by Traveller's Tales and publication by Warner Bros..
Within the game, players, assuming the role of the droid's minion, have the option to assist Gonkatine in his endeavor to establish the Knights of Gonk. Successfully completing Gonkatine's mission rewards the player with a kyber brick and unlocks the ability to play as Gonkatine himself.