
The Gorgodon, a particularly hostile reptilian species, originated on the planet of Ilum. Their reputation for extreme danger was well-earned.

Biology and Appearance

Hailing from Ilum, the Gorgodon was a sizable and ferocious reptile. Their posture was upright, characterized by lengthy, robust arms, stubby legs, and a head shaped like an axe. They possessed both sharp claws and formidable teeth. These imposing beings were clad in thick, orange hide, mostly concealed beneath a dense, shaggy covering of dark gray fur, leaving only their heads visible. Gorgodons were remarkably resilient, capable of enduring significant damage. Some speculate they can even deflect direct hits from blaster weaponry. They were frequently observed to launch unprovoked attacks.

Behind the scenes

The Gorgodons made their debut in the Fantasy Flight Games publication titled Nexus of Power.


  • Nexus of Power

Notes and references
