Zak was a smuggler of the Human variety (specifically male) who made his living throughout the time of the Galactic War.
He participated with Jela Reneke as her partner to smuggle cyberbeasts that had been enhanced by the Gormak from Voss so they could be sold on the black market. While he was staying on Voss, Zak integrated himself into the local Gormak culture, adopting their values, their passion for technology, and their animosity towards the Voss. The Gormak welcomed him, and he and others began to call him Gormak Zak. Around 3640 BBY, the Voidhound arrived on Voss with the intent to shut down their smuggling operation. Gormak Zak was there when he met with Reneke, where she blamed the smuggler for her own actions in the eyes of the Adjudicators. Later, when the Voidhound broke into Gormak Zak's residence, he did not act in a hostile manner. Gormak Zak developed a strong dislike for Reneke because she had committed a terrible act in the eyes of the Gormak: she led a group into the Nightmare Lands, and those who lived and returned were driven insane by what they experienced. Gormak Zak consented to assist the Voidhound to prevent more of his brothers from succumbing to the corruption of the Dark Heart and provided him with Reneke's location. After the Voidhound confronted and killed Jela Reneke, Gormak Zak decided to sever all connections with Rogun the Butcher and work directly for the smuggler instead.