Gowix Computers

Gowix Computers, for a significant portion of its existence, functioned as a computer manufacturing enterprise. Its central operations were based on the planet of Corellia. Originating prior to 300 BBY, it was subsequently absorbed into the Tagge Company as a subsidiary in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Under its new ownership, Gowix became a dedicated supporter of both the Galactic Republic and, subsequently, the Galactic Empire. However, due to privateer attacks authorized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, Chief Executive Officer Gohn Danfeil was ultimately compelled to relocate the company's headquarters to the planet Corulag.


Gowix Computers, a manufacturer of computer hardware and software catering to both industrial and consumer markets, had been in operation since at least 300 BBY. During this time, their central hub was located on the planet Corellia. At some point after its establishment, the Tagge Company acquired it. The Tagge Company also controlled other entities, including Bonadan Heavy Industries and Trast Heavy Transports. When the Galactic Republic became involved in the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, Gowix Computers, along with the other TaggeCo subsidiaries, followed the lead of Baroness Sanya Tagge and the rest of TaggeCo in maintaining allegiance to the Republic. Following the rise of the Galactic Empire after the Clone Wars, Gowix was among TaggeCo's subsidiaries that contributed to the House of Tagge's reputation as a significant supplier to both the Empire and the Corporate Sector. By 1 ABY, Chief Executive Officer Gohn Danfeil was in charge of the company. He decided to move Gowix's corporate charter to the planet Corulag because the Corellian sector was losing commercial activity due to an unstable economy and pirate attacks during the Galactic Civil War. Gowix Computers was one of the companies whose ships were attacked by privateers working for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, since its parent company TaggeCo's support of the Empire gave the Alliance a chance to disrupt the Empire's commerce.

Behind the scenes

Gowix Computers was initially referenced in the 1994 second issue of Star Wars Adventure Journal, a role-playing magazine by West End Games. It was presented as a potential target for Alliance privateers in the adventure titled Rebel Privateers!. It later reappeared a year later in the seventh issue, where the Galaxywide NewsNets section of the journal featured a press release from the Corellia Times regarding Gowix's relocation to Corulag. In the same issue, another adventure, Into the Core Worlds, mentioned Gowix as a prominent high-tech company based on Corulag. The role-playing supplement Pirates & Privateers, released in 1997, once again identified Gowix as a possible target for privateers. Gowix was mentioned again in the 2005 reference book The New Essential Guide to Droids, appearing in the TaggeCo entry as one of its subsidiaries. Additionally, issue #49 of the 531st volume of the in-universe HoloNet News also listed Gowix as a subsidiary of TaggeCo. The 2012 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, which is set over 3,600 years before the Adventure Journals, introduced a Gowix Corporation on Corellia. However, as of yet, no connection has been established between these two companies.

