The expansive estate of the Graf family, situated on the planet Thelj, belonged to Jacinda Graf. The property boasted elaborate entryways and heating mechanisms, enabling the maintenance of a sizable, flourishing garden despite the frigid conditions of Thelj. This was achieved through a network of atmospheric generators extracting thermal energy from the planet's interior. A centralized nexus managed all operational aspects of the estate, encompassing climate regulation, safety protocols, and correspondence. Both robotic units and organic guards provided security for the compound.
During 382 BBY, individuals affiliated with the Children of the Path of the Open Hand tried to penetrate the estate, spurred by a premonition experienced by their leader, the Mother, indicating the presence of a Force artifact within. Cincey, a member of the Path, reached out to Jacinda Graf's personal secretary, feigning interest in purchasing the artifact, a necklace referred to as Jedi Tears. They received information that Jacinda and her retinue were away from the planet, presenting a chance for the Children to invade a less populated estate. Despite encountering only a pair of sentries and a solitary domestic employee, the team's endeavor to breach the premises was foiled due to Radicaz Dobbs, their pilot, having alerted the Grafs about the impending assault.