Jedi Tears

The Jedi Tears, a Force artifact once belonging to the Graf family, was housed within their family compound located on Thelj, an ice planet. This occurred during the High Republic Era. This necklace, crafted from a unique stone, possessed the ability to react to the Force. In 382 BBY, Elecia Zeveron, the leader of the Path of the Open Hand cult, claimed a vision of the Jedi Tears came to her during meditation. Consequently, she tasked a group of Path members, known as the Children of the Open Hand, with retrieving the artifact from Thelj. Unbeknownst to the Children, Zeveron secretly intended to eliminate them through this mission. Upon their arrival at the compound, the group was ambushed, leading to the deaths of two members.


The Jedi Tears, a Force artifact, was a necklace constructed from a rare stone sensitive to the Force. Yana Ro, a member of the Path of the Open Hand cult, stated the necklace was rumored to be linked to the Rod of Seasons. This was a Force artifact that was part of a set of rods used to control the Nameless creatures.


Elecia Zeveron claimed to have been shown a vision of the Jedi Tears while meditating.

By 382 BBY, set within the High Republic Era, the Graf family possessed the Jedi Tears, safeguarding it within their family compound on the ice planet of Thelj. In that year, the Path of the Open Hand sought the set of rods of which the Jedi Tears was rumored to be part. During a flood at the Path compound situated on Dalna, a planet in the Outer Rim, Elecia Zeveron, the Path's leader known as the Mother, professed to have received a vision of the Jedi Tears and a chunk of ice through the Force while meditating. Subsequently, Cincey, a member of the Children of the Open Hand tasked with acquiring Force artifacts for the Mother, informed Yana Ro, another member of the Children, about Zeveron's vision and designated it as their upcoming mission. Ro expressed uncertainty regarding the group's capability to accomplish the task. However, Treze, another member of the Children, voiced confidence, believing in their readiness if the Mother deemed them capable. However, Zeveron secretly planned to use the mission to eliminate the Children.

In preparation for the mission, Cincey contacted the personal secretary of Jacinda Graf, the owner of the Graf compound, posing as a potential buyer of the Jedi Tears representing the Hynestian royal family. The secretary responded, informing Cincey that Graf and her entourage would be away from the planet for at least a month, but would be open to discussing a possible sale upon her return. Following the communication with the secretary, three of the Children—Kor Plouth, Ro, and Treze—journeyed to Thelj to secure the Jedi Tears, believing the reduced security would simplify their mission. Upon the group's arrival on Thelj, Radicaz Dobbs, Zeveron's associate who transported the Children in his yacht, the Scupper, contacted the compound under the Mother's orders, alerting them to the Children's intentions to seize the Jedi Tears. Consequently, the Children were ambushed before they could obtain the artifact, resulting in the deaths of Plouth and Treze. Ro survived the ordeal and vowed to seek revenge against Zeveron.

Behind the scenes

The Jedi Tears received mention in The High Republic: Path of Deceit, a young-adult novel from 2022 authored by Justina Ireland and Tessa Gratton. This novel is a part of Phase II of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

