The Greater Seswenna raids represent a series of numerous assaults that occurred within the region of Greater Seswenna during the Republic Era in 46 BBY. These attacks targeted ore convoys that were the property of Eriadu Mining and Shipping. Q'anah's Marauders, under the leadership of the Pirate Queen Q'anah, were responsible for these actions, primarily targeting convoys consisting of unpiloted container ships typically transporting lommite. The Outland Regions Security Force found it impossible to provide defense for all convoys, prioritizing the protection of high-value shipments. The pirates constantly monitored the warships of the Security Force, enabling Q'anah's flotilla to strategically raid specific convoys at opportune times. The stolen ore was either sold for profit or provided to other companies that hired the pirates. Eriadu Mining experimented with decoy containers and concealed armed parties with explosives, but these measures were ultimately unsuccessful and too costly for the company to sustain. Eriadu Mining also attempted to predict the attacks, but the analysts quickly determined that Q'anah was selecting convoys at random.
Within the Outland's anti-pirate taskforce, Wilhuff Tarkin analyzed Q'anah's raids and became convinced that a discernible pattern existed. Eventually, he uncovered a method in the way the convoys were being targeted. Wilhuff persuaded Outlands Security and Eriadu Mining to put his theory to the test. However, his paternal cousin Ranulph Tarkin proposed an alternate strategy involving the insertion of a virus into the hyperdrive motivators of the containers. Ranulph had developed this concept years prior, but Eriadu Mining had rejected it due to its perceived high cost. Yet, with a lead on the specific containers Q'anah targeted Eriadu Mining went with it. Despite the rising tensions, Ranulph's plan worked and the virus got into the main computers of the pirate ships and overrode their navigation computer sending them to the location of a waiting Outland Security fleet. Q'anah and her crew were boarded and captured. They were subsequently executed by being placed aboard a transport programmed to crash into a nearby sun. With this threat eliminated, Eriadu Mining was rescued and could finally flourish in the times ahead.