Gungan sling painting

Gungan sling painting Gungans practicing sling painting in the Theed Coliseum

Gungan sling painting was a form of artistic expression, as well as a popular spectator sport, practiced by the Gungans. These Gungans were a species of sentient amphibians originating from the planet of Naboo. Those participating would utilize slings to hurl balls of liquid paint and color at various targets, which included dancing astromech droids. These Gungan artists cultivated their unique "paint balls" within their underwater city known as Otoh Gunga. In the year 32 BBY, a quartet of members belonging to the Gungan Sling Brigade performed a demonstration of this art within the Theed Coliseum. This performance honored the victory achieved by the united people of Naboo—the Gungans alongside the Human inhabitants—against the Trade Federation's invasion.

Production Notes

The act of painting dancing droids using slings was one of six activities present in Star Wars: Early Learning Activity Center. This was a children's video game that Lucas Learning launched in the year 2000.

