Gunganese, alternatively referred to as Gungan or Old Gungan, represented the original language spoken by the Gungans, an amphibious species originating from the planet Naboo. Commonly, the Gungans employed a simplified hybrid language, intermixing elements of Galactic Basic Standard with Gunganese vocabulary and characteristic phrasing. Despite the common perception of them solely using this hybrid language, certain Gungans, such as Aro N'cookaala, demonstrated fluency in standard Basic.
- Heyo Dalee ("Hello") [6]
- Mackineek (" Droid ") [7]
- Flasher ( Blaster ) [7]
Within the context of Star Wars Legends materials, the designation "Gunganese" was used to describe the Gungan-inflected hybrid Basic, as opposed to the authentic Gungan language, which was instead called "Old Gungan."