Gurney (Human)

Gurney was a male Human hailing from Taris. During the Sith Empire's control of that world, he resided in the Upper City. Gurney served as an assistant to Zelka Forn within Zelka Forn's medical facility; however, unbeknownst to Zelka, he also acted as an informant for the crime lord Davik Kang, using Zax, a Hutt, as his go-between.


Gurney was present when Zelka voiced his desire to acquire a sample of the rakghoul serum for the amnesiac Revan, eavesdropping on the exchange between his boss and the newcomers. As Carth Onasi and Revan departed the clinic, Gurney approached them. He informed Revan that Davik was also seeking the serum and was prepared to offer significantly more credits than Zelka could afford. All Revan needed to do was deliver the serum to Zax, who operated out of the Bounty Office in the Lower City. Revan, however, chose to give the serum to Zelka, believing it should benefit the Outcasts and other inhabitants of the planet. Zelka then successfully synthesized the serum in large quantities. Gurney subsequently voiced his displeasure.

Personality and traits

Initially, Gurney might appear aloof and redirect strangers to Zelka. However, Gurney's true nature would eventually be revealed: a man driven by greed, prioritizing self-interest above all else. For the right price, he was willing to divulge any secrets to the Sith or the Exchange. Furthermore, he held Davik Kang in high regard, viewing him as an admirable figure rather than a criminal.

Behind the scenes

Should the player choose to give the serum to Zax, Zelka will express his disappointment regarding the price Davik charges, and Gurney will congratulate the player and mention that he received a hefty finder's fee.

If the player initiates a conversation with Gurney while equipped with Sith armor, he will offer to share any information the Sith require, in exchange for payment.

